I don't generally make a habit of posting about my experiences (at least not anymore). But I had an exciting (and tiring) weekend, so here goes...actually, my buddy Loafie asked me to talk about him in a blog so here it is, he only has himself to blame.
The weekend started Thursday night. I went to La Cantina (as usual, reluctantly) for a going away party for some friends. While there, I had a few beverages and caught up with some old friends.
Then Friday night I worked on an essay, yippie.
Saturday I went to Burlington to visit my sister, my new little cousin, and some friends and other family. (Here's were Loafie comes in.) Me and two of my best friends, Loafie and Floody (we have no real names...) went out to BP for some food and drinks. As normally happens when we get together, many of the lengendary stories came up: how Loafie earned his nickname at the Delta Hotel in Ottawa, the moaner story (also from the Delta), how we got kicked out of Paddy's in Waterloo after our final university exam ever, and so on. You say you want to know how Loafie got his name? Well, sure, let's publish it for everyone to read. Apparently (I wasn't in the room, but I've heard the story a thousand times...and I still find it hysterical), the kiddies were sitting around in a Delta hotel room when Wheeler asked what animal everyone would be if they could be any animal (Wheeler is a funny guy, a great guy who I admire, but a funny guy). I guess most people chose the standard regal beasts - eagles, lions, whatever, but Loafie, he picked a squirel...or was it a bird? Either way, he picked an animal capable of perching atop hydro wires, tree branches, whatever, so as to "drop a loaf" on people he didn't like. This was the first weekend we really got to know each other, so this unfortunate story and nickname has stuck with him ever since. Since I outed Loafie, I should out the Moaner. The moaner story involves someone jumping around (drunk I think) at the end of someone else's bed, commanding them to go to sleep so the leaper could hear the moan that allegedly eminates from the moaner during sleep. Again, I wasn't actually in the room, but the story is a classic. I refuse to write about how we got kicked out of Paddy's because it borders on the criminal, and Sandra's still a little ways from being a lawyer, so right now, I have no representation. Anyway, that was Saturday. Great times! I can't wait to see them again at the end of April!
On to Sunday. My aunt decreed Sunday Easter Sunday, so we had an easter dinner (at 1.30pm). But more special was finally meeting Kathryn, my cousin's daughter. Kate is (I guess) two or three weeks old now. She's super cute, and super small. I got to hold her, which was mildly less frightening than the last time I held a child that young. Experience helps I guess.
Anyway, it wasn't really an exceptionally eventful weekend, but it was an all-around great weekend. I absolutely needed some time with the old boys. And a big dinner with the extended family was grand as well.
Thanks everyone!
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