27 March 2007

Canada Shall Remain One...At Least for Now

Last night we found out that the Parti Liberal du Quebec (PLQ) will form a minority government in that province. The Action Democratique du Quebec (ADQ) will form the official opposition and the Parti Quebecois (PQ) will be rendered meaningless... Okay, the PQ finished third, a mere 12 seats behind the PLQ, so "meaningless" is an exaggeration, but you get the point. This is sort of how everyone expected the election to go down - the PLQ would stay in power, the ADQ would leap frog the PQ to become the official opposition, and the PQ would lose some seats and finish third - no surprises really. And that's a good thing. The plunge taken by the PQ (they won 9 fewer seats than they did last time) means support for Quebec seperatism is waning (if only temporarily). Either way, we can (hopefully) count on at least a couple years without having to worry about another sovereignty referendum in Quebec.

To make things more interesting for those less politically nerdy, here are some interesting tidbits about the election results:

P.S. If you're looking for more analysis, but don't like "the man's" news sources, check out what the incomparable Mr. McIver had to say. If you do check out his article, remember that he speaks with a blue tougue which is almost certainly controlled by Stephen Harper.


  1. I trust that you don't really agree with what you wrote in this posting, since it contradicts your own parties position on the environment vis-a-vis Quebec. How many times do I hear Mr. Dion say that the Conservatives don't care Quebec's "values", and that only the Liberals can represent this province -- since Mr. Dion is the prodigcal son of Quebecois federalism.

    To say that Quebec doesn't care much for the environment would directly contradict what your party says; if Quebec and Mr. Harper don't care about Quebec, then why would Mr. Dion insist that the two have different "values" on the topic, and why would Mr. Dion drape himself in lime green scarfs at your convention? It doesn't make sense (well, I guess most Liberal ideas don't make sense, but I'll leave that for another day!)

    Lastly, my tongue is not that controlled by PMSH; although I did receive some talking points from the Conservative Party about how to respond to this blog!

  2. I wasn't expressing an opinion about Quebec's environmentalism, I was just reporting the fact that the PVQ won zero seats. I suppose it would have been more honest to say that Quebecors don't think the PVQ is qualified to run the province and that is why they garnered no seats. Not because Quebecors don't care about the environment. Chalk that up as one of those comments only suited to a blog or comedy sketch show.

    You received some talking points about how to respond to my blog? I did not realize I had so much influence on Conservative policy. I suppose I can add Stephen Harper to my list of high-profile readers (along with Rolling Stone and God...and you).

  3. Ok, perhaps "talking points" should have been "Conservative press release".. but the point is still the same, and is directed at any Liberal, not just you. Minor discrepancies, I suppose!

  4. I prefer to move forward with my dillusions as expressed in my previous comment. Thank-you.
