23 March 2007

Rolling Stone is a Fan of Mine

It has become crystal clear that Rolling Stone magazine reads my blog. A few months ago (on my lost myspace blog) I wrote an article in which I created two fantasy supergroups. I created them from past and present rock stars - Clapton, Page, Ramone, McCartney, Hendrix, Flea, Cobain, Grohl, Peart, and others. Then, a few weeks later, Rolling Stone magazine asked its readers to name their own supergroups. Clearly, they were inspired by my creative genius.

Now they've done it again. A week or so ago, on the "Random List" part of this blog (just above the links on the right hand side) I named my top five Neil Young songs. Well guess what? Rolling Stone borrowed my idea again. Our lists weren't the same, but clearly they were once again inspired by my blog. I'm not mad at them. I think it's pretty cool. I'm flattered. They could at least give me a shout-out though.

P.S. - The only thing I can think of that would be cooler than having Rolling Stone reading my blog would be having the Rolling Stones read my blog. A boy can dream.

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