26 March 2007

Thoughts While Procrastinating

NME magazine is reporting that Eminem is suing ex-wife Kim in an attempt to stop her from insulting him in public. What a hypocrite! Before I say anymore, you should know that I hate Eminem. Talk about wasted talent. The man is a lyrical genius with perhaps the best flow in the game, but he's a complete idiot. The man sells his records by releasing pop-ready, (moderately) kid-friendly, bouncy singles, then fills the rest of the album with hatred. It's roughly equivalent to pedophiles attracting children with lollipops. Anyway, back to the story. Eminem is suing wife Kim in an attempt to make her stop insulting him in public. The hypocrisy is this: every single Eminem album has been characterized by him insulting Kim at on at least 75% of the tracks. According to Eminem, when he insults her, it's freedom of expression. But what happens when she insults him? Suddenly it's defamation of character and harmful to their daughter? What the hell is the difference? Eminem, go away. You tool.


In more important news: Today Quebecors go to the polls. The Quebec provincial election has begun and analysts are predicting a tight three-way race between the ADQ, the PQ, and the (incumbent) Liberals. I'm pulling for the Liberals. The PQ are, of course, the seperatists, so to pull for them would be to pull for the dissolution of Canada. I'm not too familiar with the ADQ, but I hear they are the right-wingers in Quebec provincial politics (filling the void left by the missing Conservative Party), so I cannot pull for them. Anyway, it sounds like we're going to have to wait until late tonight before we get the results. Should be interesting!


That's all for today. Enjoy your Monday!

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